I get to hold them and squeeze them and hug them in just 2 weeks!!!
And I don't care what anybody says... I seriously have the cutest 4 grandchildren on the planet!
Jade... who has taken to Princess role hopping is now raising princesses of her own in the form of toilet paper origami...

Here she is as "Rapunzel"... or as she calls it... "Tangled."

Princess Jade...

Even in her sleep...

I'm not sure I can say that I've always looked forward to the day that someone would call me "Grandma"... but when SHE says it, my heart definitely melts.
Meanwhile Rachel... who is now 4 months old, is already doing 360's in the blink of an eye.

I've only had the joy of holding her for a couple of days in her short little life so far. Can't wait to do so again. She is such an adorable little precious!

As for "The Boys"....

Ah "The Boys"...

Well, I have no idea, because I haven't had the immense pleasure of meeting them yet!
*sigh* again...

But I simply cannot wait to schnuggle those little monkey butts!!!
The Little Ones...

The Big Girl...

I just absolutely HATE living 1,540.06 miles away!!!