Saturday, December 18, 2010


I can't say I hate drawing, but don't know that I'll ever do much of it again. It's just SO time consuming, and I'm not sure I'm really that good at it. But anyway...

Most students on finals night get to go in, take their test... 45 minutes max, right?... and leave. Not us? We got to spend the full 4 hours doing whatever we wanted to. (???)

So I spent my 4 hours darkening up this background. Over and over and over...

There's a scriptural passage somewhere that talks about opposition in all things... in other words how one can't fully appreciate pleasure without having first experienced pain. Well all I know is that I am finally going to be able to appreciate the immense pleasure of cleaning my house for the first time in 14 weeks!

Two more classes to go towards my degree!... and then what? Not sure.


  1. Somehow I reconcile the scriptural reference with the boob picture. They don't co-exist well in my mind :)'re so close! Keep it up!

  2. lol Whit. The 'artistic' term is "bust."

  3. haha, I guess you're right. And meant to say CAN'T reconcile the two, I just left out the more important word.
