Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Graphically Designed Summer... part yadayada

Only one class left!

I was gonna take the second one... during the second half of the summer but I think I'm gonna pass. Graduation will just have to wait a couple more months.

Because enough's enough for now, ya know?

So far I think I've probably got a "B" I think. Imagine that? After ten years of maintaining a 4.o. Guess I'm just not up to snuff as a professional designer yet even though this IS only "Graphic Design ONE" for goodness sake. I guess we'll see.

Perhaps the extra credit project of redesigning the BP logo will save me.


Our assignment this week was to create a personal logo. So I created three...

The first one is really just a possible banner for my blog (but not really because I already have one sort of like it...)

The next two I created as possible logos for my (maybe) future sideline.

And well, also because my Professor told me I had to...

I think this one is my favorite.

Perhaps I'll use it.

Class is over on Monday.

How many days until Tuesday?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not coming to your graduation unless you graduate with a 4.0. How's that for incentive?? jk. Don't worry, I have a B right now in my modern class. How did that happen? All we have to do is show up and dance. I haven't even missed class. I have the floor burns and bruises to prove it.
