Friday, September 3, 2010

Fast Forward to September...

Ok... well August sure flew by!

Had a great time at the Clay/Ruben concert and my seat was excellent. Only 6 months to go until I see him again in Ft. Wayne! But this time with a Meet & Greet... courtesy of my friend Julie! I know, I know.... I'm suppose to be over him. And I am, for all intents and purposes, but a M&G with my best Clay buddies? Well, you're just never too old to look forward to being 14 again. And I am SO looking forward to it!

Anyway... here's how I spent my last week of August...

* Co-hosted a baby shower for my youngest daughter...

Isn't that just the most adorable diaper cake ever? It was made by my older daughter, who is expecting twins and hopefully didn't bemoan the fact that she was giving all those diapers away.

(Here's a pic of my two preggie daughters.)

No intended disrespect directed towards that wonderful miracle of motherhood, but honestly?... it really is a cuter word than "pregnant." Don't you think? And aren't they cute?

* Attended a pseudo family reunion at Aspen Grove (near Sundance) in Utah. I call it pseudo because there were really only about a dozen out of... a lot of family... who were there the whole time. Most people came and went, or showed up for a day... or a night. But it was still fabulous! One of the most relaxing weekends I've had in ages and I thank my mom so much for doing all she did to arrange it.

Here are just a couple of pics... Ok... nevermind. There are too many. If you want to see 'em you can go here.

*I went along for crib, big girl bed and BIG car shopping!

*Spent some good quality time with my folks and was able to show my mom for the 125th time how to save photos to a folder on her computer.

*Ate WAY too much... packing it away for those lean winter months.

*AND I got a totally awesome backwards arm hug from granddaughter Jade...

Which in itself, was almost worth the price of the plane ticket.

But oh, I forgot to mention the thing about Marzipan (my ever so fat kitty) and how just before leaving for a week realized he hadn't pooped in like well, forever. And he eats alot! Anyway, lets just say that heaven reserves special places for friends who are willing to step in at the last minute to help out our furry friends in those kinds of moments of crisis. And so thanks to Cheryl, who dealt with carting him back and forth to the vet multiple times in my absence, along with the aftermath... Marz is now still an ever so fat, but totally regular, guy...

And now it's September, but it feels like October. We just had a cold front blow in and I'm already mourning the passage of summer.

School busses start Tuesday... but my bus is already running. My drawing class began last week. I know you're all waiting with bated breath to see what I come up with...

Only problem is... I can't draw.

No, really.

So this should be a really fun Fall.

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