Friday, September 30, 2011

Random Video...but still super Awesome...

I don't usually post these sorts of things. Especially YouTube things that I think could be taken down at a moments notice, of which, I think this one qualifies as one that probably will be taken down pretty soon. But I'll take my chances.

I'm feeling really old right now, but as I watched this one I suddenly felt really young again. And it reminded me of particular time in my life. In fact I think I must have sung this song over and over to myself alone in my room once... except with different words, because of course this song was still years and years away from being written or covered yet...

And then I stopped singing altogether for a very, very long time. But when I heard this one my ears perked up and it seriously moved me... but then realized that I'd probably just rather prefer to refrain from all of that deja vu for the time being anyway...

So I'm just really enjoying the song for now. The vocals are awesome and they have me in tears. And you can download it HERE for only 99 cents!

Monday, September 26, 2011

It Was Time...

I know... crazy.

Because it's been 8 years already... living like this.

But I have so many other things right now that are just itching to occupy my bookshelves. Pictures of grandbabies for one... and some cats. Along with all those many books which have been waiting patiently in boxes on the floor, forever, having had nowhere else to go all these years. So yes, it was time...

But still, in all honesty, I had a blast. Best time ever! And I know that I must have really, really adored him.

Because, I mean, well, I even had A BLOG about him once.

Not quite sure what I'm gonna do with all this stuff now though.

Thank goodness for Tupperware, I guess.

What follows is probably not for the weak of stomach...

Direct Link to Album with more elaborate eBay descriptions...

Just kidding...


I swear that was NOT easy!

In fact it took me ALL weekend...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Papa's Passing...

The first time I saw Papa he was sitting at a picnic table with a friend outside of a hitching post/food stand in Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts. I'd joined my mom for a couple of days on her LDS Church History tour which she'd decided to go on alone as a 46 year old and recently single woman. The tour had passed through NYC, where I was living at the time, so it only made sense for me to go along and be able to spend a couple of days with her.

Anyway, I remember approaching that picnic table with her that day and suddenly seeing this big smile appear on his face. Of course, at this point you have to remember that I didn't know him from Adam, but still somehow sensed that this probably wasn't a case of love at first site for ME on his part. And since they'd been traveling on the same bus together for a couple of days already, and because I was at the very astute age of 19, I was pretty much able to immediately surmise that that smile was most likely for her.

It was July and freakin' hot and what else I mostly remember about that moment were the bees buzzing around in the trash barrel right next to the patio deck. There was a paper basket full of french fry remnants still smothered in ketchup in it and several half full cans of coke along with whoever knows what, and the bees were buzzing wildly. So I decided to move away. I can't remember exactly how long it was before mom finally decided to come over and join me, but I do remember it was a really long time. Sheesh, what a floozie!

Of course Mom doesn't remember any of this...


I would never be a great historian because I pretty much just always "guess" at dates and timelines so I'm just gonna go ahead and leave any dates and timelines out of this...

But in a nutshell, what eventually came of that tour, and what I'd like to believe was due to that little meeting at the picnic bench, was this:

* A beautiful marriage of 35 years! (I remember when hitting the 25 year mark how they joked about having been married for 50!... even if it hadn't exactly been to each other...) And two people's lives which suddenly became the ONE they were meant to live and with the person they were meant to love.

I just like that picture so much because it encompasses everything that a hundred more pictures ever could.

But still, here's just a couple more anyway...

Thank you so much David, not only being my children's Papa, but for being mine too. You've been the most wonderful dad and grandpa that any child or grandchild could have ever hoped to have. And I'm not even gonna start with the huge lists of all the reasons I say that... because I'm hoping you know them them just as well as we do, and truly hope that you've known them all along.

Love you!

Papa passed at the age of 93 on September 8th 2011, last Thursday following a beautiful afternoon drive with mom. But he was just ready. And when he passed he went peacefully and perfectly... as difficult as it was for the rest of us to let him go.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Matter Of Terribly Crappy Customer Service ~ an anagram...


It all started after those really fierce storms we had the beginning of August. And I lost cable. Or at least I thought I did. But when I called Comcast two days later they swore there had been no outage in my area... so it must be my computer.

Well a few days later, figuring that my Ethernet port had just been fried I called the Geek Squad who happily took on the assignment of setting me up with WiFi for a mere 102 bucks. And it worked just fine for a couple of days...

But then Geek Squad agent #2 came out and swore that my new outage had nothing to do with my computer and it must be my cable. Which Comcast then finally confirmed...

So as of August 13th I've been up and running thanks to a Comcast repair man who came over and put a temporary patch on my line and ordered a completely new one to be buried. Miss Dig came by the very next day! Wow, what super fast service!!! That was 3 weeks ago...

Since then I've been to Utah and back, mowed and weed-wacked around those flags three whole times and called Comcast more times than you could shake one of those flags at. Each time, my work order has been "escalated" with a promise of a call back within 48 hours. Meanwhile, it's now Labor Day weekend and I have to keep apologizing to my neighbors who also have to keep carefully mowing and weed-wacking...

Now I know those pictures probably aren't that seriously impressive. They'd probably be more so if I'd had the presence of mind to take some "before" pictures... Because then I'm pretty sure you'd be really, really impressed! (As if you're not already impressed enough at the time I spend mowing my lawn as it is...)

I wonder what Comcast would do if I just decided to not pay my bill. I'm pretty sure they'd just report me as a bad credit risk and cut my service. But if this irresponsiveness on their part lasts for much longer, what recourse does someone like me have? I guess I could always just smash my box!... And then where would I be? Not writing this blog dissing Comast, thats for sure. Sometimes consumerism sucks.

And just for the record... I didn't do this to my box.

Though I did try to put back as best I could the parts that I found just laying on my lawn 3 weeks ago...